What Could Ben Have Done Differently?

*Spoiler from 12/15 Episode*

Sweet baby Ben did not see my last post and to watch him go home because he didn’t express his love for Tayshia was TRAGIC. My heart hurts. Big ouchies over here.

Ben clearly has a little trouble being in touch with his emotions, a little trouble putting words to how he's feeling, and maybe a little trouble putting words to things in general.

And you know what, Ben? That's okay!

We all do to some extent!!! We're all works in progress, baby!!!

So, here's a quick tip next time you find yourself sitting across from a beautiful femme with something to say but no clue how to say it.

Let them know. That's it.

Just clue the other person in.

Some of my favorite scripts to do this are:

"I've got something to say, but I need a moment to organize my thoughts." or

"I'm having trouble putting words to what I'm feeling right now. Can you just sit with me in silence for a moment while I figure out how to say this?"

Wouldn't Tayshia have granted him that grace? Wouldn't she have been thrilled  to know there was something on the tip of his tongue? I think so.

If people don't know they're waiting for something...they won't wait. Simple as that.

Help your people help you by telling them what's going on.

This way we never have to watch the car shots PRAYING Ben pulls a Bennett (while, sadly, knowing he never would).

*Bonus tip- if you're dating a person who takes a little more time to process, you can ask them to use one of these scripts with you so you know not to rush them along in conversations!

Need help saying things in a way other people can understand? Let’s chat about it.


What Can We Learn From Zac Clark?


“I Didn’t Have Enough Time To Tell Tayshia How I Felt!”