Mining Limbo

Let’s be transparent here. Shit is up in the airrrr to say the least. The world has been rocked in many ways, some heartbreaking, some confusing, some for the necessary betterment of humanity.

Throughout this, maybe you’ve tried to be gentle with yourself. You’ve stayed afloat (most of the time) but with that $600 Unemployment Stimulus running out, you find yourself thinking, “What do I doooo with myself??”

I hear you. Deeply.

Either your industry is cancelled, or it leaves you as a remote worker with more options than ever. It simultaneously feels like there are no paths to choose, and too many to grapple with.

Over the past few weeks I’ve had two experiences watching birds become fledglings (when baby birds leave their nest but are still dependent on their parents.) In one instance, I saw a bird fly out of his nest and flop around on the ground until he figured out how to make his wings work. On the other occasion, I rescued a baby bird from drowning in a lake (watch the story here), got him all warm and cozy, and waited to see if his parents returned to take care of him --P.S- they did! 

All that’s to say, to not know what’s next, to take a risk, to do something new, can be terrifying.  Especially when the world feels unpredictable…or if you are fledging above a lake.  But these stories affirmed a few beliefs I have:

Transitions are opportunities, we only learn by doing, and you don’t need to go at this alone.

Mining Limbo was developed with that sentiment in mind.

In one two hour deep dive, we will…

  • Investigate your current options and current desires.

  • Use divergent thinking exercises, and curiosity mapping to mine for possibility.

  • Zero in on your values to create a fulfilling life independent of circumstance.

  • Develop a plan of action for you to follow over the following weeks.

The investment: $247

Pandemic Pricing: $147

Some past client queries include: Finding a new career path, creating a unique career pocket, working with indecision, values to life application session, etc.

*Sliding scale and follow up sessions available

Ready to dive in?

Fill out this Mining Limbo Sign Up, and we’ll get you on the schedule ASAP.

Not sure if this offering is right for you? Book some “You Time” and let’s figure it out together!

Want something more hands on for a longer amount of time? Check out “Sprint With Me”.