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Here’s a selection of recent talks and collaborations I’ve been a part of! If you want to have me as a guest on your podcast or show send me an email at ariella@queerdatingcoach.com to pitch your idea.


Hello Giggles Article Feature: 7 Dating Tips From The Generation That Grew Up On Apps


IG Live with Logan Ury!


IG Live with Playout NYC!


Podcast: Finding Mr. Height

Ali & Roark have wanted to do an episode focused on LGBTQIA+ dating for a while now, and Pride Month felt like the perfect time! As always, they start with their updates. Ali is *accidentally* perpetrating CRIME and has an all-time phone throwing moment and Roark ran into an ex at a coffee shop. Then, they have two amazing guest segments. First, Ariella Serur, @queerdatingcoach on Instagram, comes on the pod to have both an insightful and fun conversation. Ariella tells Ali & Roark all about her work as (you guessed it) a queer dating coach. They discuss how queer daters don’t have a “map” or “playbook” of norms like heteronormative daters do, and Ariella shares her “four quadrants” for how to meet people. Then, Ali & Roark welcome in Roark’s friend Nicole, @nic_nak_cooks. Nicole is a gay woman dating in LA and brings wild stories from the dating front lines.

Timestamps: Ariella’s interview begins at around 23:20; Nicole joins at around 1:10:00


Curious Fox and Ariella Serur talk on how to meet people and @queerdatingcoach answers some listened questions!


Podcast: The Empowered Series by Ryan James Monroe.

For the fourth installation of our Pride Series, I am sitting down with Queer Dating Coach, Ariella Serur to discuss all things dating. If you're anything like me, just hearing the word "dating" makes you want to curl up in a ball. In my chat with Ariella, she shares some tools and wisdom that can help us become empowered daters and tells us about common barriers that Queer people face in the dating arena. Learn more about Queer Dating Coach by visiting www.queerdatingcoach.com or following along on Instagram @QueerDatingCoach


Podcast: Curious Fox Podcast

Is there a difference between queer dating and mono-normative dating? What are the main concerns and common strategies? What is one thing that we can all do to be braver in our dating lives?

Effy and Jacqueline are joined by Queer Dating Coach Ariella Serur to talk about how to approach dating intentionally, navigate queer space when dating and remain connected to "feelings-based standards."


Hot on the heels of our "Flirting & Dating" episode, we sit down with queer dating coach Ariella Serur and ask her YOUR burning questions! Ariella bases her coaching on transparency, kindness, generosity, curiosity, and fun, and offers advice on questions like "What should I do if I'm freaking out on a date?!" She also discusses where to meet potential romantic partners, and talks about how and when to disclose...whatever it is you're nervous about disclosing! All this, and MUCH more! Listen here!


Dating in New York City is often viewed as horrible, terrible, and even hopeless experience. Now add a global pandemic — where sensible options for single New Yorkers seemed limited to candlelit FaceTime dates or Zoom movie nights. But with parties happening again and bars reopening, many New Yorkers are looking to get back into the dating pool. Queer dating coach Ariella Serur spoke with WNYC's Sean Carlson to give listeners some tips and insight into navigating a new dating world.


On this episode of My Letter Isn’t Scarlet, It’s F****** Gold, Kayla Yoder and Ariella talk about relationships, navigating labels, coming into your queerness and, of course, queer dating.


On this episode of The Relationships Show, we (Cindra Banks and Luke Skewes) talk about our experiences, our boundaries, rules and what inspires us to be open in our relationship, how it works for us and Ariella does the same, sharing her latest relationship and how it worked. ⁠

⁠We hope to spark curiosity in you, even if non-monogamy isn't on your radar, to see that relationships can come in all shapes and sizes and that you aren't locked in to any one type of relationship!⁠

All of us share very honestly, openly and transparently on this episode, about the challenges, growth, conversations and expansiveness that comes from pursuing a non-monogamous relationship. ⁠


On this episode of Between The Pages, Caitlin Viccora talks to Ariella Serur (@queerdatingcoach ), dating coach extraordinaire. Ariella helps kind queer folks date better, and we talk about coaching, common pitfalls of dating (spoiler: you’re probably making too big a deal out of the first date), and how she tries to make her work as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Dating in Alignment With Your Values

Join @queerdatingcoach and @humhumspace in a conversation about defining and dating by your values, navigating different flavors of discomfort, self-care, Valentine’s Day and making it feel creative and more.


This episode of The Relationships Show, with Cindra Banks and Luke Skewes, is really for anyone who dates, has dated or wants to date! Ariella is honest and god damn adorable, her words and presence will make you smile and her wisdom is so deep and easy to digest.

We talk about dating as a queer human and the obstacles to finding other queer humans to connect with. Cindra workshops some challenges she finds when dating women and we talk about those that are sexually curious : how to approach dating and how to communicate where you are at.

This is the ideal dating guide, following Ariella's advice, there will be no more waiting by the phone or wondering what the vibe was or who will make the first move! We talked about the patriarchal "roles" generally given in the dating world and how we can break out of those, to move towards freedom and better communication.


On today’s episode of Pillow Talk With Bros Joe Kris and Ariella Serur talk about what dating means in the time of covid, how to take the high stakes out of dating, how to be open to connection, and a little deep dive in someone Joe was interested in and how he can initiate asking that person out!


“Good evening! Thank you for joining me tonight for this week’s Dating and Relationship Show on Global News Radio 640 Toronto. I’m your host, Laura Bilotta, dating and relationship expert and founder of SingleintheCity.ca, joined by my cohost TV personality and philanthropist, Joan Kelly Walker.

Tonight, we’re going to be giving you an extra dose of dating advice as we’re joined by our guest Ariella Serur, the Queer Dating Coach from Queer Dating Coach.com Ariella is all about transforming the dating pool into one we enthusiastically want to jump into and tonight we’ll be chatting about the queer dating journey, making dating “fun” again and exploring non-monogamy. Thanks for joining us tonight!”


Today's episode of Pillow Talk With Bros features Ariella Serur (she/her), and she is on a mission to transform the dating pool into one we enthusiastically want to jump into. Heavily influenced by non-monogamy, she rallies against *finding your person* and instead wants you to *find your person-al worth* regardless of your relationship status. Ariella helps LGBTQIA+ folks in all stages of their dating journeys understand themselves and communicate better, so that we all become the studs we seek to seduce. Check her out on Instagram, @queerdatingcoach. We discuss victories in initiating conversation with someone we like, memorable "fall on our face" moments, and the important topic of consent when it comes to kissing and initiation of conversation in general.


Curiosity in Life and Dating

@humhumspace chats with @queerdatingcoach about how we can enjoy dating and connecting as we bring more curiosity about ourselves and others to each moment.

First few minutes we struggle with connectivity so bear with us or skip ahead to ~3 minutes in :)